Thursday, July 31, 2014

Emden MO you have the chance to make a difference in the Missouri House of Representatives 5th District with C. LeRoy Deichman

Emden MO you have the chance to make a difference! 

C. LeRoy Deichman is running for the Missouri House ofRepresentatives 5th District seat to help you!  He needs your support in order to enact the change that we all deserve.

Are you a voter in Emden MO?  Then you need to know your State Representative and what they represent.  Do you know who your current State Representative is for your area?  Do you know their voting record?  If you want a Representative in the 5th District that is ready to actually represent your interests, then you need to talk with C. LeRoy Deichman.  C. LeRoy Deichman is looking to help the 5th District grow by using his years of experience as a Scientist to help bring unique solutions to common problems into the area.  He knows the impact that agriculture, and small business has on our community and is wanting to make sure that Emden MO and all of District 5 are represented correctly.  There is a huge difference between Emden MO and larger cities, and we need to elect a State Representative in the 5th District that is knowledgeable in the differences of this type of development.

Emden MO is full of great people that need to know they’re best interests are being represented.  It’s time someone stood up for the smaller communities in which they lived and C. LeRoy Deichman is exactly the man to do that.  Accessibility to healthcare is so important to us, and when C. LeRoy Deichman heard that there would be no more births in many of the rural hospitals because of funding issues, he knew he had to do something.  Many small communities are experiencing difficult times right now.  The economy is not where we had hoped it would be; jobs are harder to find; and healthcare is less accessible.   This coupled with wanting to make sure our kids have the proper education is exactly why C. LeRoy Deichman said he would step up and be the voice for our community. 

Those of you in Emden MO need your voices heard.  Isn’t it time we elected the Right Person for the Right Job at the Right time?  Isn’t it time everyone in Emden MO had their ideas heard by an elected official that actually cares about what you want?  Well Emden MO, now is that time, the job at task isn’t easy but C. LeRoy Deichman cares about the future of our community and that is exactly why he is The Right Person For This Job, NOW! 

C. LeRoy Deichman for Missouri State Representative of the 5th District; Elect the man that cares what YOU have to say!

Emden Mo needs to step up and make this community one that they have elected!  Don’t let someone’s vote trump yours.  Get out and meet the candidates… find out who they are and what they believe in.  Make sure they understand where you stand on the issues, and let them know your ideas to improve the 5th District as a whole.  Emden MO voters have a voice and it’s time that voice was heard.  Elect C. LeRoy Deichman this November to make sure that Emden MO finally has the representation they deserve!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Voters in Clarence MO need to know their Missouri House of Representatives Candidate… C. LeRoy Deichman!

Voters in Clarence MO need to know their Missouri House of Representatives Candidate… C. LeRoy Deichman!

Your vote can make the difference.  Did you know that you can make a difference simply by voting?  That’s right, every person in Clarence MO will make a huge difference in the turn out in this election.  If you haven’t met C. LeRoy Deichman yet, you should.  His ideas can change all of District 5 for the better.  Your vote is HUGE and C. LeRoy Deichman needs your vote to make the changes in Jefferson City that we all need. 

Are you a voter in Clarence MO?  Then you need to know your State Representative and what they represent.  Do you know who your current State Representative is for your area?  Do you know their voting record?  If you want a Representative in the 5thDistrict that is ready to actually represent your interests, then you need to talk with C. LeRoy Deichman.  C. LeRoy Deichman is looking to help the 5th District grow by using his years of experience as a Scientist to help bring unique solutions to common problems into the area.  He knows the impact that agriculture, and small business has on our community and is wanting to make sure that Clarence MO and all of District 5 are represented correctly.  There is a huge difference between Clarence MO and larger cities, and we need to elect a State Representative in the 5th District that is knowledgeable in the differences of this type of development.

Clarence MO is full of great people that need to know they’re best interests are being represented.  It’s time someone stood up for the smaller communities in which they lived and C. LeRoy Deichman is exactly the man to do that.  Accessibility to healthcare is so important to us, and when C. LeRoy Deichman heard that there would be no more births in many of the rural hospitals because of funding issues, he knew he had to do something.  Many small communities are experiencing difficult times right now.  The economy is not where we had hoped it would be; jobs are harder to find; and healthcare is less accessible.   This coupled with wanting to make sure our kids have the proper education is exactly why C. LeRoy Deichman said he would step up and be the voice for our community. 

Those of you in Clarence MO need your voices heard.  Isn’t it time we elected the Right Person for the Right Job at the Right time?  Isn’t it time everyone in Clarence MO had their ideas heard by an elected official that actually cares about what you want?  Well Clarence MO, now is that time, the job at task isn’t easy but C. LeRoy Deichman cares about the future of our community and that is exactly why he is The Right Person For This Job, NOW! 

C. LeRoy Deichman for Missouri State Representative of the 5th District; Elect the man that cares what YOU have to say!

Clarence MO… VOICE YOUR OPINION at the polls.  Don’t sit back and let someone else’s vote count for yours!  If we all turn out, we all have a voice.  Elect your voice to the Missouri House of Representatives by doing your part.  Contact C. LeRoy Deichman and ask him what you can do to help.  Volunteer for the campaign that makes a difference.  Get out and do the things you’ve always wanted to do… help your neighbors.  A vote for C. LeRoy Deichman is a vote in the interest of Clarence MO and the rest of the 5th District.

Voters in Clarence MO need to know their Missouri House of Representatives Candidate… C. LeRoy Deichman!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Voters in Bethel MO, Missouri House of Representatives 5th District

Voters in Bethel MO… who is your Missouri House of Representatives 5th District Representative?

Those of you in Bethel MO need your voices heard.  Isn’t it time we elected the Right Person for the Right Job at the Right time?  Isn’t it time everyone in Bethel MO had their ideas heard by an elected official that actually cares about what you want?  Well Bethel MO, now is that time, the job at task isn’t easy but C. LeRoy Deichman cares about the future of our community and that is exactly why he is The Right Person For This Job, NOW! 

Are you a voter in Bethel MO?  Then you need to know your State Representative and what they represent.  Do you know who your current State Representative is for your area?  Do you know their voting record?  If you want a Representative in the 5th District that is ready to actually represent your interests, then you need to talk with C. LeRoy Deichman.  C. LeRoy Deichman is looking to help the 5th District grow by using his years of experience as a Scientist to help bring unique solutions to common problems into the area.  He knows the impact that agriculture, and small business has on our community and wants to make sure that Bethel MO and all of District 5 are represented correctly.  There is a huge difference between Bethel MO and larger cities, and we need to elect a State Representative in the 5th District that is knowledgeable in the differences of this type of development.

Voters in Bethel MO… who is your Missouri House of Representatives 5th District Representative?

Bethel MO is full of great people that need to know they’re best interests are being represented.  It’s time someone stood up for the smaller communities in which they lived and C. LeRoy Deichman is exactly the man to do that.  Accessibility to healthcare is so important to us, and when C. LeRoy Deichman heard that there would be no more births in many of the rural hospitals because of funding issues, he knew he had to do something.  Many small communities are experiencing difficult times right now.  The economy is not where we had hoped it would be; jobs are harder to find; and healthcare is less accessible.   This coupled with wanting to make sure our kids have the proper education is exactly why C. LeRoy Deichman said he would step up and be the voice for our community. 

C. LeRoy Deichman for Missouri State Representative of the 5th District; Elect the man that cares what YOU have to say!

Voters in Bethel MO… who is your Missouri House of Representatives 5th District Representative?

Friday, July 25, 2014

Missour House of Representatives 5th District Candidate C. LeRoy Deichman

Missouri House of Representatives 5th District Candidate C. LeRoy Deichman is encouraging voters to follow him on Facebook to see where he will be next.  His hope is that when community members head to an event, they will engage him in conversation about what it is they are looking to accomplish.  We all know there are issues on the table now concerning Healthcare, Schools and the stake of our community, and we all have wonderful ideas on how we can affect positive change in these areas.  It is the goal of C. LeRoy Deichman that everyone voice their opinion on these ideas they have in an attempt for him to better represent the community.

Hannibal Regional Hospital has seen service lines eliminated because of the current state Missouri is in.  They have asked C. LeRoy Deichman for help in the Missouri House of Representatives 5th District.  When we lose service lines in our community hospitals we are forced to go elsewhere to receive that specific medical attention.  This may be infusing revenue into other districts in the State or even other State's altogether. If we are going to take back our district, we're going to need someone that not only listens to the community leaders, businesses and councils, but also to the voters.

The Missouri House of Representatives 5th District is in need of REPRESENTATION of the interests of those within the actual district.  C. LeRoy Deichman has asked the current Representative to meet on several occasions so that they might put their heads together in an attempt to help the 5th district out of the current situation they are in.  Unfortunately this invitation has not been accepted yet but he will keep trying.  It is not C. LeRoy Deichman's goal to represent the special interest groups that have their own agenda that may or may not help the district but rather to help the district grow and prosper.

C. LeRoy Deichman has spent many years innovating new ways to solve problems.  Renewable fuel sources have been a key focus of C. LeRoy Deichman as he feels our dependency of fossil fuels has gotten out of hand and the cost to our district, our youth, and our future are in danger.  His innovative ideas sparked the growth of ethanol plants in the 70's, and he is now working on new patents that will take a new renewable source that is readily available to a new levels.  It is because of foresight like this, that C. LeRoy Deichman can enact the change that the Missouri House of Representatives 5th district needs.

Education is key to the success of our Country, our State, and our District.  Education is how we learn from our mistakes and find solutions to problems.  First we must identify a problem, then we can come up with a solution and currently one of the biggest problems that the Missouri House of Representatives 5th District is facing is that of school budgets being slashed.  This HUGE problem needs to be addressed, analysed and solved.  We can do this if we work together, if the community stands together, and if we admit there is problem.

The United States of America works with a representative body.  This representative body is elected by the people... the voice of the people needs to represent the interests of those that elect them.  It is your right to choose not to vote.  It is your right to choose not to be part of the entire process, but it is also your right to make a stand for what you believe.  Voice your opinion not only at the polls but to those representatives you have elected. If you are upset with the way things are being handled TELL your representative.

This November, elect that individual that you want to help you better your stance and station in life.  The person that you elect should be one that works for you, not special interest groups.  The person you elect should want to hear your ideas, and should want to make sure those ideas are heard by others.  This November vote for C. LeRoy Deichman for your voice in the Missouri House of Representatives 5th District.